- Camping campare cort sau rulota in Romania

Camping Lacu Sărat

Camping in

Muntenia / Braila / Lacu Sărat

Camping description

Accommodation in camping:
23 double rooms

Rooms: 2 beds, table, chairs, electricity, socket.

Services offered at the accommodation: storage of valuables at the reception of the Lacu Sarat hotel, handing over of correspondence, provision of medical supplies and medical supplies in the first aid in case of accidents.
Camping area is ideal for tent or caravan lovers.
Other facilities for a fee: balneo-climatic treatment at the base of treatment and free balneology (sun and mud baths)

More info: /reviews/viewcompanywebsite.aspx?firmaName=camping+lacu+sarat&companyId=608847

Camping access

Camping Facilities

How to get here?

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