At the base of the Apuseni mountains in Remetea nr.300. In 2005 me and my family, wife Terezia and kids Gergo and Reka, we founded a guesthouse based of traditional food and traditions of the region.
For the monment we have 15 rooms with their own bathroom. In 2012 at 300m from the guesthouse we opened a camping of 1ha, for tents caravns, with moderns bathrooms and kitchen.
Tourist Attractions:
Bears Cave (25km)
Meziad Cave (10km)
Crystal Cave (10km)
Goatling waterfall(35km)
National Park Padis(40km)
Stana de Vale (30km)
Fortress of Ponor (40km)
Cetatile Radesei Cave and Somesului Cald Gorges (40km)
150 years old watermil (10km)
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